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2. What are two ways to improve dataload speed in block storage? (Choose two.)
A. load the file from the client
B. load the file from the server
C. sort data files in order by Dense dimensions
D. sort data files in order by Sparse dimensions
Answer: BD
3. Which Analytic Services environment variable defines the encoding that Analytic Server uses to interpret text characters?
Answer: B
4. Which two statements are true when using Attribute dimension members in calculation functions? (Choose two.)
A. Attribute dimension members cannot be assigned calculated data.
B. The FIX command can contain Attribute dimension members only.
C. The CALC DIM command can be used to aggregate an Attribute dimension.
D. The FIX command can contain Attribute functions to derive base dimension member lists.
Answer: AD
2. What are two ways to improve dataload speed in block storage? (Choose two.)
A. load the file from the client
B. load the file from the server
C. sort data files in order by Dense dimensions
D. sort data files in order by Sparse dimensions
Answer: BD
3. Which Analytic Services environment variable defines the encoding that Analytic Server uses to interpret text characters?
Answer: B
4. Which two statements are true when using Attribute dimension members in calculation functions? (Choose two.)
A. Attribute dimension members cannot be assigned calculated data.
B. The FIX command can contain Attribute dimension members only.
C. The CALC DIM command can be used to aggregate an Attribute dimension.
D. The FIX command can contain Attribute functions to derive base dimension member lists.
Answer: AD
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220-301 exam is a popular CompTIA certification exams, stands for A+ CORE HARDWARE(2003 Objectives) official exam, which includes a lot of practical problems and experimental content, because this doomed to pass the exam is not so easy.
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A computer boots up with the error "CMOS Checksum Failure." Which of the following components needs to be replaced?
A. power supply
B. CMOS chip
C. motherboard
D. CMOS battery
Answer: D
Our 220-301 exam study materials CompTIA technical experts to collate and repeated verification, complete coverage of all exam questions.
220-301 certification has become increasingly popular, in order to make themselves more competitive in this society, make more money, I decided to try. I select 220-301 test training test, it is a certification exam, I must have passed this exam will help me quickly promoted. But when we see a lot of learning materials, I am clueless, not know how to do, so I entered the professional forum of 220-301 ready to look at the experience of others.
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A computer boots up with the error "CMOS Checksum Failure." Which of the following components needs to be replaced?
A. power supply
B. CMOS chip
C. motherboard
D. CMOS battery
Answer: D
Our 220-301 exam study materials CompTIA technical experts to collate and repeated verification, complete coverage of all exam questions.
220-301 certification has become increasingly popular, in order to make themselves more competitive in this society, make more money, I decided to try. I select 220-301 test training test, it is a certification exam, I must have passed this exam will help me quickly promoted. But when we see a lot of learning materials, I am clueless, not know how to do, so I entered the professional forum of 220-301 ready to look at the experience of others.
I found that most of them are the same site to purchase exam review material, so I go in and have a look. I found that they are a professional team, all exam after the technical expertise home repeatedly verified, more importantly, these materials can indeed help to pass the exam, so I decided to buy 220-301 exam review materials.
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if your system uses a large number of mirrors, make sure that you have an adequate number of state
databases. If you create too few state database replicas, performance could be negatively impacted.
What is the recommended number of state database replicas for mirrored volumes?
A. At least two state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
B. At least three state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
C. One state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
D. At least five state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
Answer: A
Which two commands list the profiles assigned to user fred? (Choose two.)
A. profiles fred
B. profiles -l fred
C. profiles -list fred
D. grep -w fred /etc/security/prof_attr
E. grep -w fred /etc/securfity/policy.conf
Answer: AB
How many data sources can be specified in the Name Service Switch file for each of the data types?
(Choose two.)
A. only one
B. a minimum of two
C. a minimum of one
D. a maximum of four
E. a maximum depending on the data type
F. a maximum depending on the system type
Answer: CE
if your system uses a large number of mirrors, make sure that you have an adequate number of state
databases. If you create too few state database replicas, performance could be negatively impacted.
What is the recommended number of state database replicas for mirrored volumes?
A. At least two state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
B. At least three state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
C. One state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
D. At least five state database replicas per RAID-1 volume.
Answer: A
Which two commands list the profiles assigned to user fred? (Choose two.)
A. profiles fred
B. profiles -l fred
C. profiles -list fred
D. grep -w fred /etc/security/prof_attr
E. grep -w fred /etc/securfity/policy.conf
Answer: AB
How many data sources can be specified in the Name Service Switch file for each of the data types?
(Choose two.)
A. only one
B. a minimum of two
C. a minimum of one
D. a maximum of four
E. a maximum depending on the data type
F. a maximum depending on the system type
Answer: CE
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